Per inviare comunicazioni:

20th july


After the Eucharist celebrated with intense interest and joy animated by the Delegations of France/Spain and Guadeloupe , here we are gathered in plenary: it's 9.00 a.m.
The day is dedicated to the Lines of action, i.e. refining the various aspects.
Before we start sharing the work of the groups, a space is left to the sisters of the Delegation of Nigeria. They introduce critical points and petitions for their entity, not yet defined. Sr. M. Juana, the moderator in charge, informs us that the Presidency Council will see later how to integrate what has been presented by Nigerian sisters.
We continue, then, with the same methodology of yesterday. Each group presents two global Lines of action (the WHAT TO DO): then the lines will be completed. We listen carefully and we take note of the suggestions.
At 11:00 am, after break, Ms. Adriana explains how to complete the written lines by adding the principles that enlighten and the purposes to be achieved: this work will be done in group by 11.45 a.m. at lunchtime.
In the afternoon we see the need to work another hour in the group and at 5.00 p.m. the assembly is opened. We share the whole lines that are voted after resonances and questions for clarification. Some, however, remain outstanding, and the group will have to work to change them after dinner.
At 7.25 p.m. we have to close work with apology to the translators - Saideh, Mariella and Marilu - we make them work overtime ...

Enjoy your meal and follow ... good night everybody !!

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